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The youth mentoring program is endeavouring to address some of the educational needs of a number of ‘Looked After' and ‘At Risk' young people. The program provides one to one mentor support to young people within the target group in order to promote and encourage appropriate school attendance and to raise educational achievement.


A young person's involvement with the program is secured through the building of a voluntary relationship with a mentor who will act as their educational advocate. Through this relationship the mentor is able to assess individual educational needs and behavioural factors that may be creating barriers to learning.


As well as engaging young people in productive and empowering activities, the program aims to improve young people’s attitudes towards education, training and employment and to enhance their knowledge, skills and personal development, thus giving them new opportunities.


Far too many children have lives marked by limited opportunities for growth and repeated disappointment from adults. In response to this need in the community, we created the L4H Mentoring, which matches a child person one-on-one with a well-trained mentor.


Give a Child Opportunities

Many underprivileged children have not ventured far outside their neighbourhoods. L4H outings range from a visit to an art museum to a stroll on a college campus to simply playing frisbee in the park. Through connection with a trusted adult and exposure to activities, a child can develop a better vision for his or her future beyond the limited horizons that hold back far too many children.


Providing a Child a Trusted Friend

Every child craves one-on-one attention and many do not get this required attention due to classrooms being stretched, families burdened, and after school programs cut. L4H mentors give young people that needed attention, mentors allow them to ask questions, share insecurities, and seek advice.


Supporting a Child’s Family

Whether it is by helping a family to find affordable furniture, helping a mother complete a school application, or providing a shoulder to cry on, our staff are there to support our young people’s families.


© 2017 Live 4 Health CIC

Company Registration Number: 08486914

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